Thursday, December 20, 2012

After the Test...

CONGRATULATIONS! You finished your test!

 If you need a smile - re-watch this video:

Make sure you are done with your Fracking Debate Project packet!

This is your next task:

8th graders at a rival middle school think that studying ecology and natural resources is super boring and a waste of time and turns their hairlines all weird. Show them how much you know about ecology or natural resources by doing one of the following tasks. Then, either post your completed task as a comment or turn it in to the drawer for your class period if you decide to do it by hand. This is supposed to be a fun task, don't stress out about it. I do expect you to work very quietly without distracting your classmates who may still be testing.

Write a short news-type of story that describes a few food chains starting with the sun and ending with zombies that involve people at Weaver Street (what would an 8th grader at Weaver eat?, a vegan?, a pet dog?).

Option 2: Ode to Energy Resources
Write a silly ode to your favorite energy resource. Use this website for ideas about odes.

Option 3: Superecohero Comic
Create a comic strip showing an ecosystem relationship between two species or individuals. There needs to be a superhero. Be creative. Ask me if you need ideas. (Look at cute animal comics on this page.)

Option 4: That's a Rap!
Come up with a rap/song about the Carbon Cycle or the Nitrogen Cycle. If you get stuck, try starting with your favorite song and changing the lyrics.

AFTER, and ONLY AFTER you do one of the options, you may check out this site (yes, it is random - I found it on another teacher's blog...) and then read a book (I added more to the cube shelves) or study for another class. 

Have fun!

Ms. Nickel


  1. One Sunday, the sun just wasn't feeling right. It decided that it was going to not put out enough energy to fuel all living things. Therefore, zombies were created. They lived in hiding for years, only feasting on the dead, but one day they decided to make their mark on the food chain, and they ended up at Weaver Street. The way it happened was that the sun fueled the grass through photosynthesis. Then the cow ate the grass and converted it to energy. The humans then slaughtered the cows and ate them, with seasoning of course, and converted them to energy. So the humans were all big and strong, they were the top of the food chain... But then these new organisms called zombies came and started eating the humans' brains which resulted in a surplus of cows, which resulted in a lessened population of grass, which eventually made the sun work harder and stop producing zombies. Then everything went back to normal.

    1. WOW. I like the ending, but WEIRD. I'm glad things went back to normal.

  2. I shot James The Zombie, James The Zombie ate Valory, Valory ate beef which came from a cow, the cow ate grass, James became a Zombie from Tim. I survived.

    Ian F
