Friday, December 14, 2012

Hi There!!!

Hi Mrs. A's Awesome Allstars!

My name is Ms. Nickel and I am super excited to be your long term sub! I studied Environmental Geology (ecology, specifically in the NC mountains, and rocks and plate tectonics) and education in college. I tutored at Culbreth for a year in college with Mrs. Taylor and at lots of other middle schools in the area. I also worked at the Morehead Planetarium and Science Center. I LOVE science education!! Next week we'll be working on a Fracking Debate (see Mrs. A's blog at and finishing up the Ecology and Natural Resources Unit. There is a test on Thursday.  Study guides were given out on Friday or  Monday.

On Monday we will also be doing a brief getting to know you activity using these two videos:

Marcel the Shell with Shoes on

Marcel the Shell with Shoes on, Two

Here are my answers to the Marcel the Shell Video Guide so you can get to know me too! I look forward to reading your answers!

1. What are your great qualities?
 I'm enthusiastic, creative, kind, and I put a lot of effort into things :-).

2. What do you eat? Salads? YUM!
I eat PEANUT BUTTER! I love fruits, veggies, chocolate, coconut cookies, and butternut squash soup.

3. Have you been skiing (on a toenail…)? (circle: YES or NO) Have you tried other extreme sports (hang-gliding on a Dorito™?)? Any sports? List below:
I climb! I'm not good at any sports that involve catching, throwing, hitting, or kicking. I love to run. I think tennis is fun.

4. Do you have a phone? (circle: YES or NO) When did you get your first one? I got my first phone when I was 17.

5. Who is in your family?
My mom, older sister, brother-in-law, and younger brother. I live with my aunt and cousin. My cousin went to Culbreth!

6. What does your whole family do together? Write with pens?
hike, cook, eat, craft, travel, play games (Boggle, dominoes, Bananagrams)

7. What are you afraid of? Drinking soda and floating to the ceiling?

8. Do you have pets? Tell me about them! Or make one up (like Alan the lint dog…)!
 My aunt has a very stinky dog named Maple. I want two rats, and I would name them Cardamom and Coriander. 

9. What is your favorite saying? What is your favorite song/musician/band/type of music?
favorite saying: I have soooo many. You'll see them on the board from time to time. Here's one: Only the curious have something to find.
        -“This Side” by Nickel Creek
favorite music: Mumford and Sons, Florence and the Machines, Explosions in the Sky, Rising Appalachia, BAHHH, so much! 

10. What “can’t” you do (lift a crayon?) that you wish you could do?
I'm really bad at closing window blinds. They ALWAYS end up crooked...

11. What do people say that you think is ridiculous? (your head is too big…compared to WHAT?)

12.  What do you stand for/fight for?
EDUCATION!!!!!!, environmental conservation, food and environmental justice

Part 2:
1. What makes you tired/out of breath? (What sports do you do? What do you do that is active?) What are your hobbies?
I run, climb, dance, kayak, and practice (and teach) yoga! I love anything that gets me outside. My other hobbies are crafting, reading, and baking yummy stuff.

2. What type of bug would you want as a car if you were Marcel? A honey bee
3.  Do you ever read the newspaper? (circle: YES or NO) (or do you read receipts?)
4.  What do you read? What are you favorite books?
Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins, anything by Tamora Pierce, The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, Harry Potter series by JK Rowling, Stargirl and Love, Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli

5.  Have you ever traveled for vacation? Where have you gone?
Internationally: Ireland, the Netherlands, Italy, France
Nationally: For geology fieldwork: Big Bend National Park, TX and Cody, WY and surrounding areas (Yellowstone), road trip from WY to NC; For fun and climbing and family: all over the east coast, Red River Gorge (climbing!), I was born in New Jersey
In NC: Raleigh (where I grew up!), Salisbury, Charlotte, Beaufort, all over the Blue Ridge Mountains, Highlands, Brevard, Asheville, Boone

6. What type of muffin would you want to stay on if you were Marcel? Why?
 Pumpkin chocolate chip cranberry. NOMS.

7.  Do you have any funny stories about riding a bus? Tell me!
In college for an art project I had to take pictures while on a bus and sketch what I saw. I felt like a stalker...

8. What would you like to be nick-named (Ace? Windy?)? erm... y'all will have to come up with one. Some people used to call me Mallard. Or Nickels. Why?

9. What would you like your pen name to be (Shelldon Conk?)? Liriodendron Tulipifera Why? It's one of my favorite scientific names for a plan in NC. Google it if you want to know what it is.

10. What makes you smile?
running in the morning when it is slightly rainy and chilly, sunrises and sunsets, TEACHING, MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS, silly notes, time with friends and family, CRAFTS!!!, good food, farmers' markets!!!, doing something that scares me, reading good books, combining tea bags to make wonderful tea, baking and giving baked goods to friends, MARCEL THE SHELL!

So, that's some info about me. If you have other questions, please let me know! I can't wait to read your answers!

Happy Weekend or Monday!!!
Ms. Nickel

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