Thursday, January 17, 2013

How old is the Earth???

Happy Friday All-Stars!

It's a long weekend! WOOT!

Today we will be playing a game of sorts to see how scientists tried to figure out the age of the Earth.
Create a sheet with the table below and the answers to the questions below.

Create a table with these three columns:
1) Points                                        2) Pts. Lost b/c                    3) Pts. Earned b/c
record the points you get               paraphrase why you            paraphrase why you
as +x or -x                                     lost points                            earned points
ex. -2                                             ex. 1) not scientific              ex. 1) scientific method
      +1                                           2) forgot about erosion

Play the game. When you finish the game, answer these questions under your table. You do not have to write the question. You do need to write the question number. You do need to WRITE IN COMPLETE SENTENCES!

1. The scientifically accepted age of the Earth is __________ billions of years old.

2. Briefly describe three ways people tried to find the age of the Earth. Explain why they were wrong.

3. Fill in the blanks: _____________ proposed uniformitarianism. Uniformitarianism proposes the __________________ is the key to the past.

4. Why was measuring sedimentation rates inaccurate?

5. Who discovered radioactivity? When?

6. How do scientists now figure out the ages of rocks?

7. What is the stable daughter product of uranium?

8. What is a likely explanation for why scientists have not found rocks on Earth that are as old as Earth is?

Make sure your name is on your paper. Turn your answer sheet in to the drawer for your period.

Happy long weekend!

Ms. Nickel

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