Sunday, February 10, 2013

Project Reflection Guidelines

Hey All-Stars!

Here are project reflection guidelines. This is due on Friday, February 15.

Write 2 paragraphs (at least 6 sentences each) describing the learning you did during the project.

Paragraph 1: What you did and what you learned
Some ideas to get you started:
I learned _________________________ from this project.
I created a supercontinent based on evidence from _______________________.
I told the evolutionary history of my invented species using evidence from _____________________.
My understanding of ____________________ is deeper than it was before because ___________________.
I did/did not collaborate with other students because _______________________.
I am/am not proud of the work I did because it was ________________________.

Paragraph 2: What you would do differently and what you still want to know
Some ideas to get you started:
I found the project ____________________ because _____________________.
If I did the project again I would ____________________ because ____________________.
I thought the materials posted on the blog, discussed in class, and given out by Ms. Nickel were _______________________ because __________________________.
I am still confused about _________________________.
I want to build/elaborate upon what I learned about _____________ by ___________________ (asking questions, doing research, discussing the project in class).

Here is what I hope you took away from this project:
1) Practice using scientific evidence to make your own conclusions (for example - looking at how the plates are moving and synthesizing that information to figure out where the continents might end up)
2) A chance to be creative
3) Ideas about what Earth might look like in the future
4) A better idea of what landforms correspond to different plate boundaries
5) An understanding of the processes that create and destroy landforms and that create new species

I look forward to hearing from each of you about the effectiveness of this project!

Ms. Nickel

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